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The model that the researcher tests can be described as




















Where ut is a random error variable, normally distributed with mean 0










If this is a random walk, k=1.










However, to test that, it is more convenient to express it in difference form, and test










whether the coeficient(delta) is 0. For empirical reasons, constant is added








































Yt-Y(t-1)=a+delta Y(t-1) + ut










if the absolute value of the computed DF statistics exceeds critical value, reject H0










                      Unit root tests for variable LNREAL










      The Dickey-Fuller regressions include an intercept but not a trend




















 130 observations used in the estimation of all ADF regressions.










 Sample period from 1960Q4 to 1993Q1




















        Test Statistic      LL           AIC           SBC           HQC










 DF         -.42894      360.3673      358.3673      355.4998      357.2022










 95% critical value for the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic =  -2.8837










|DF|<|Critical value|










Do not reject H0, it can be a random walk.






























Yt-Y(t-1)=a+delta Y(t-1) + ut










if the absolute value of the computed DF statistics exceeds critical value, reject H0










                        Unit root tests for variable LO










      The Dickey-Fuller regressions include an intercept but not a trend




















 130 observations used in the estimation of all ADF regressions.










 Sample period from 1960Q4 to 1993Q1




















        Test Statistic      LL           AIC           SBC           HQC










 DF         -1.1729      413.7883      411.7883      408.9208      410.6231










 95% critical value for the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic =  -2.8837










|DF|<Critical value










Do not reject H0, it can be a random walk.








































Yt-Y(t-1)=a+delta Y(t-1) + ut










if the absolute value of the computed DF statistics exceeds critical value, reject H0










                        Unit root tests for variable LC










      The Dickey-Fuller regressions include an intercept but not a trend




















 130 observations used in the estimation of all ADF regressions.










 Sample period from 1960Q4 to 1993Q1




















        Test Statistic      LL           AIC           SBC           HQC










 DF         -2.9646      352.2209      350.2209      347.3534      349.0557










 95% critical value for the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic =  -2.8837










|DF|>Critical value










Reject H0, we dont have a random walk










Although two variables seem to follow the random walk, a linear combination of them does not do so. Thus although we cannot predict which way the real wage and output per head go we can predict the movements in cost. This is probably because real wage and output depend so heavily on technological improvements, that are arguably ranom, however, costs depend other things as well, on trade cycle, etc. Thus one can predict how much the cost is going to be on the next period, despite the fact that the magnitudes of the components that make up costs, wages and output, cannot be determined.






































































X1 is wages, X2 prices, X3 capital/employment ratio and X4 unemployment rate.










                       Ordinary Least Squares Estimation




















 Dependent variable is X1










 32 observations used for estimation from 1959 to 1990




















 Regressor              Coefficient       Standard Error         T-Ratio[Prob]










 C                         .035507             .14685             .24178[.811]










 X1(-1)                     .44479             .13727             3.2402[.003]










 X2                         .95014            .064631            14.7011[.000]










 X2(-1)                    -.40682             .14319            -2.8411[.009]










 X3                         .52885             .13224             3.9991[.000]










 X4                       -.040442            .013155            -3.0744[.005]










 X4(-1)                  -.0057808            .013578            -.42576[.674]




















 R-Squared                     .99988   R-Bar-Squared                   .99985










 S.E. of Regression           .012351   F-stat.    F(  6,  25)   35372.8[.000]










 Mean of Dependent Variable    .90632   S.D. of Dependent Variable      1.0220










 Residual Sum of Squares     .0038134   Equation Log-likelihood        99.1536










 Akaike Info. Criterion       92.1536   Schwarz Bayesian Criterion     87.0235










 DW-statistic                  1.9135   Durbin's h-statistic      .38824[.698]










* A:Serial Correlation*CHSQ(   1)=   .10516[.746]*F(   1,  24)=  .079127[.781]*










* B:Functional Form   *CHSQ(   1)=   1.4509[.228]*F(   1,  24)=   1.1399[.296]*










* C:Normality         *CHSQ(   2)=   .16545[.921]*       Not applicable       *










* D:Heteroscedasticity*CHSQ(   1)=   .84065[.359]*F(   1,  30)=   .80937[.375]*










All the regressors, except lagged unemployment and the constant term, are significant. The R squared is very high. Which means the regression model is very good. We had no previous reason to expect the wages to be determined by a constant anyway. Also there is no problem with heteroscedacity, autocorrelation, different functional form or nonnormality of errors




























































It is all given in the previous table.










So for example, 1% change in X1 will lead to 0.44% change in level of wages










Roughly, to test for the unity a value t=(b-1)/(se)<2. B is the coefficient we are testing and se its standard error




















It is clear that only the prices can possibly be unity, test statistics is




















meaning that x2 can be unity










Original RSS




















1. Restricted by leaving lagged UE out










 Residual Sum of Squares     .0038410   Equation Log-likelihood        99.0380




















2. Restricted by including only lagged UE out










 Residual Sum of Squares     .0052551   Equation Log-likelihood        94.0227




















3. Restricted by including the difference










 Residual Sum of Squares     .0051453   Equation Log-likelihood        94.3604




















I will use the restricted least squares F test approach for which F=RSS(r)-RSS(ur)(n-k)/RSSur*m










Follows the F distribution with m, n-k df. Ur means unrestricted. M is number of linear restrictions, 1










k number of parameters in ur=7, n=32, df=25, F critical at 5% level =4.25










For restriction










For restriction










For restriction










So I reject restrictions 2 and 3, restriction one, leaving lagged UE out is reasonable










Chow test










H0:structural stability










H1:break in the structure




















* F:Chow Test         *CHSQ(   6)=   2.4940[.869]*F(   6,  20)=   .41567[.860]*










Do not reject H0, structuraly stable.










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