Wage differentials are coz 1. Labour market imperfections(monopolies,no info),Non homogeneity,Barriers to mobility Search theory - wage lower if searched for long time 2. Education&training - human capital investment.Demand for skilled rises&unskilled falls 3. Working conditions+Non-monetary rewards 4. Regional variations - employers go to low wages,employees to high,so equilibrium occurs 5. Wage discrimination - age,sex,race.Women earn 20% less,black 17%less They dont get better jobs&are not promoted 6. Vocationalism(job like leisure or hobby,nursing) 1970 Equal Pay Act,1975Sex discrimination,1976 Race relations Supply side: 1. Monopoly restricts the employment of a labour,because it has to pay more to existing 2. Supply of labour depends on population&is highly inelastic 3. The leisure preference might make the supply curve to slope backwards 4. Occupational&geographical immobility exists {PAGE|1} {info author|Keith Siilats}, {DATE|21/05/96}, Subject: {info subject|Economics revision}, Words: {info numwords|1} {PAGE|1}