1 Population Economic resources-lan,lab,cap,ent, growth-is growing,death rate(per1000in year), Infant moralty rate declines , impr.in medcin , birth rate , parents want to enjoy high life standart , family limitation , IMR declines, no need to worry, children not anymore investment , natural increase , migration , a digression in world population Optimum population , The age structure(-15-65+) the changes occur gradually , As the distribution of the population changes, demand changes , Such changes require factors of production,not easy to find,can't convert schools to hospidals,and people don't want to change work place , If the dependent age group grows, there is a greater burden on the working population(+tax) , Changes in capital market(people live from savings) The projected population , need to be taken care very seriously,you can't predict eg when new pill is invented etc , Working population(15-65)-All in civilian employment+ army+ registred unemployment , Recently increase , Numbers of females working is increased(decl.of manufacture,more jobs for women) , Increasing self-employment (unempl.start relied to savings,govn help), diferent statistics es)" "","c.contr.-ministerial,parliamentary(annual),the board council(everyday),consumer protection(vrmi Arialtav" "Types of shares:","a.ordinary sharesb.preference shares"," 1.cummulative PS-when 1year not paid then next ye