Free market economy-Adv 1. consumer sovereignty+satisfaction 2compet.leads to low prices 3producers max profit 4comp.leads to efficiency 5innovation 6higher living standard 7economies of scale 8choise:goods,jobs 9max utility 10production adapts quickly Dis 1leads to a trade cycle 2ass.2&3do not hold 3leads to monopoly 4uneven distribution of income 5life becomes more expensive 6poor Q goods 7drugs no restriction 8consumers are often ignorant of the true costs/benefits 9wastage resources on substitutes 10wastage on advertising 11profitable goods for rich produced 12market failure-no public(defence)&merit goods(education,health) 13instability+short-termism 14unstable growth-discourages investing 15bottleneck in Supply 16no social security/welfare 17Large externalities as price=PMC=PMB Centrally planned Adv- 1. social/public/merit goods provided 2. no inequality,trade cycle,instability,wastage on close substitutes,bottleneck in S,market failure,inflation 3. long term planning 4. continual full employment 5. planned controlled growth-encourages investing Dis 1. census may be wrong or out of date 2. wastage on resources on bureaucrats 3. few goods 4. no choice of jobs 5. no incentive to work hard 6. no innovations Mixed components: 1. a free enterprise sector 2. Govn regulation of economy through budget 3. public ownership of some industries 4. welfare services provided by state or by state administered schemes Prospect 1. economic central problem- failure of Keynesian management Now using Microeconomic programs 2. political Policy must work within political framework,(little choice for consumers) Gov.could only roughly estimate the wants of consumers re-elected after every 5 years,most policies will not work&govn will aim only on re-election 3. technological Microprocessors are having major effect on lives Some(Galibrath)believe technology has created new decision process-progs Firms have grown too big&are hard to monitor Provision of goods&services: State can either finance its services indirectly by taxes or directly(e.g.railways)by public corporations.Some(defence)are provided directly from central govn {PAGE|1} {info author|Keith Siilats}, {DATE|24/05/96}, Subject: {info subject|Economics, revision}, Words: {info numwords|500} {PAGE|1}